
The stability of Attitude and the Significance of Affective-emotional and Cognitive Components

Joachim Riedl, Sebastian Zips, Barbara Kallweit
ePDF: ISBN 978-3-945456-10-1

Research on attitude has a long tradition in marketing. It has commonly been assumed that attitudes are relatively stable over time. Contrary to this hypothesis, this paper shows that merely confronting consumers with some cognitive criteria concerning brand evaluation can in fact change their rating in the short term. A second finding is that evaluations of sportswear brands become consistently more negative when subjected to the cognitive evaluation process. A third result shows that purchasing behaviour can be explained to a greater extent by emotions than by cognitive components of attitude.

Tags: Anova, Attitude, Cognition, Emotion, Involvement, Marketing research, Sportswear, Stepwise regression, T-test, Two-component theory

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