
New OA-article released: A new acceptance model for artificial intelligence with extensions to UTAUT2

AccessMM board member Dr. Oliver Gansser published the results of an empirical study on the open access-platform ScienceDirect. Here is the link to the full article.


More and more products in everyday life are using artificial intelligence (AI). The purpose of this research is to investigate influence factors in an acceptance model on behavioral intention and use behavior for products containing AI in an everyday life environment. Using PLS-Analysis, this study analyzes additional influence factors to the UTAUT2 model in the three application segments mobility, household, and health, using a sample of 21,841 respondents. Except for safety security, all additional factors to the UTAUT2 model play a relevant role in explaining behavioral intention and use behavior of products containing AI. This study answers the applicability of an established acceptance model for products that incorporate AI, extended by five additional influencing factors.

Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Consumer Behavior, Oliver Gansser, Structural Equation Model, Technology Acceptance, User Acceptance
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