
Effects of Influencer Marketing on Instagram

Joachim Riedl, Lisa von Luckwald
ePDF: ISBN 978-3-945456-19-4

This study examines the effects of medium-range influencer Instagram postings compared to traditional print ads. Using cosmetic products as an example, the study examines how these alternative forms of advertising influence attitude components and consumers‘ propensity to buy.

As a result, the advertising impact of the Instagram posting is lower than that of the classic print ad. The Instagram posting has its greatest effect where consumers already follow influencers (follower status).

The situational variable (type of advertising) proves to be more powerful in explaining consumers‘ attitudes as personal variables. Among the latter, product involvement has more explanatory power than the general personality traits of the Big Five. To explain the propensity to buy, product involvement is even more meaningful than the type of advertising. Overall, this shows that the effect of situational and personal factors on dependent variables of consumer behaviour cannot be generalised, but that it is generally recommended to include both situational and personal determinants in the analysis.

Tags: Attitude, Big Five, Cognition, Emotion, Influencer, Influencer-Marketing, Involvement, Joachim Riedl, Lisa von Luckwald, Personal traits, Print-Advertising, Situational factors, Two-component theory

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